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Competition on flood?


I Dont know if its possible but i have been thinking, on the flood server latley people are saying i always win and i was thinking maybe we could have somewhat of a competition on who is the top player around on it... maybe a 1v1 or a 2v2 based games played with a set amount of money and we could fight it out??? would it be possible

» Magic «:
uhh no because the other people would have to wait for longer and we would lose visitors they would either get all the losers on 1 boat to muller you, or they would kick/ban you!!!(they are known to do that)

Banana Hat:
Ignore magic.
we could actually organize this and put everyone else on a spectator team.

yeah i kinda agree with banana hat
this is actuly a good idea and i could fraps record it edit it to perfection (really good at editing) and put it on youtube...


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