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Fookin swine flu!!
Well, it wouldn't be the first time a vaccine has had 'unforeseen consequences'. The smallpox vaccine, when it was first made, was distributed all over the world.
Instead of shipping tons of the vaccine to labs all over the world though, they shipped small vials and allowed local labs to grow more on site. One asshat doctor named Hilary Koprowski had a site in the congo. Normally, these local labs would collect kidneys from lower monkeys to produce tissue culture (in which to grow more live vaccine). Hilary Koprowski however didn't have access to monkeys there in the congo and instead of importing what he needed, he used the local chimp population instead. The high-order primates carried a virus that attacked their immune systems. This virus survived the culturing process of the vaccine and was injected into hundreds of thousands of local villagers when Koprowski began rounds of mandatory vaccinations on the local populace. Within a few months, the first cases of AIDs in humans were recorded in the local area.
The polio vaccine, and the dumb-ass piss-poor penny-pinching bullshit behavior of this Hilary Koprowski fucker is directly responsible for the introduction of AIDs into humans.
Trust doctors, but only to a point. It's part of their job to act like they know what they're doing. They're human and make mistakes too.. Except for Hilary Koprowski. He needs to be beaten to death with a blunt object for his maliciously negligent behavior.
I know it sounds like just another bogus conspiracy theory. Generally I'm a skeptic about this kind of thing but there is just so much evidence to support this chain of events. Interviews have been done of the lab-workers there in the Congo. They all support that chimps were captured, butchered, and used to produce vaccine. Even early letters and documents from Koprowski himself freely admitted that he was using chimps. It was only after someone raised concerns of disease transmission did Koprowski clam up and deny everything. Of course the scientific community, who wants to keep people from being fearful of vaccinations, stood behind Koprowski and helped suppress any real investigation. When Koprowski dies after a long, rich life, I'm betting this support will evaporate and the truth will be allowed to come to the forefront. Maybe the mysteriously 'missing' samples of the batches he produced might show up so we can test and know for certain.
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