Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

FloodMod [Server Suggestions]

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I would really love a re-do of all the rules, lately people have been minging based on loopholes.

Examples: Change "No shooting the boat you're on, unless you got on AFTER"
To: "No shooting the boat you're on."

Add: "If there is only one boat left, everybody except the boat owner must immediately jump off, so as to not keep the dead waiting."

Change: "No money rounds"
To: "No money rounds, this includes using the default pistol (unless that's all you have) instead of higher powered weapons."

Maybe more later.

Also, we need a weapon that does 0 damage, but you can throw (such as bugbait, I guess it can still rickroll you every time you throw it) just to annoy people.

I heard a lot of people say the crowbar can do .1 damage, as an incentive to use stunstick instead?

Look these over and get back to me if you like them.

THis thread will soon be fail

<----- Use picture of me as the main logo.

And btw we are releasing Flood Mod v1.3 this weekend so gtfo with ur suggestions xD

» Magic «:


--- Quote from: ~Magic on February 09, 2010, 01:19:18 PM ---

--- End quote ---


I spend my time in flood alot 2 i have sum idea's :lamp:

Props: maybe phx?? would make cool boats

Weapons: needs snipaah and maybe shotgun Or knive for player vs player dmg
The pushgun: pushes minges of your boat


and pls change the ammo of the AR2 to 90 :P
 thx you


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