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This usually means your account was being accessed by another IP address(es) many times.

Need to contact steam somehow, forums or email maybe.

Ok man i think i know whats wrong now. Thanks alot!


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on September 29, 2009, 08:44:20 PM ---This usually means your account was being accessed by another IP address(es) many times.

Need to contact steam somehow, forums or email maybe.

--- End quote ---

Not to threadjack or anything, but how common is this? I log in to steam from school sometimes, I hope I don't get raeped by Valve.

Banana Hat:
you can create a support account https://support.steampowered.com/. This is not a Steam account. Once you have that created you can read about how to reclaim your account. I Know you will have to send them some sort of poof that it's yours. If you bought one of your steam games at a store you can send them a copy of your cd key.

Well i bought CS:S But i cant find the game...


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