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Flood Server Prop Healer/Wheels

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Prop Healer

I was playing flood server and i made a pretty nice/large boat (Which i spent all of my money on) And  it survived 2 rounds but after the 2 rounds my boat had about 67 health overall and tried to use the prop healer (Which i have never attempted before) And I noticed that it had been disabled. Why?


Also many people minge with the wheel tool being able to spawn 20 or so wheels because it doesn't cost any money. I think it should cost 1000 dollars to spawn one wheel. I think that would be fair. 

wheels be careful the wheels are good i dont think there should be money involed with them just a limit on them say about 10

The prop healer hasn't been Programmed yet, its not disabled... it just doesn't work lol


--- Quote from: {DBD}Cobra on September 29, 2009, 12:02:41 PM ---The prop healer hasn't been Programmed yet, its not disabled... it just doesn't work lol

--- End quote ---
Well it says its disabled when you try to use it but w/e

Boat Sinker:
my opinion, wheels do have an advatage and disadvantage  if hp is added.

if hp is added you can use wheels as prop and make boats out of wheels.

but then props wont be used anymore for boats

i say maek wheels have a hp of 10-50


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