Other Shiz > Boneyard

once again >:|

(1/5) > >>

Jetstodown :}:
we'll once again Banana Hat has abused his powers. While me and Insight where making a house a person named =Mr.murder= joined and was killed 69 times as in once he spawned he died. Well someone voted to kick him because people didn't know what was happening. So everyone except 2 people voted yes he was kicked. So then 5 seconds later everyone that voted yes was kicked by console "kicking my buddy". I attached the picture of my console.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Jetstodown :}:
Well he just now kicked me because of this.

"I said why was insight kicked. then he says whats in the top of the console."

[attachment deleted by admin]

Banana Hat:
vote kick is out of control
did you mention this

BANana Hat -=[UH]=-, .:RND'=-: im getting sick of all the kicking
.:`RND`=- Jets=-: so then leave
.:`RND`=- Jets=-: dont have to kick because of kick

To put it straight the servers are NOT a democracy you need to listen to an admin. I'm sick of you guys jumping to vote kick without warning or reason.
And you sure as hell don't tell an admin to leave.
so suck it your banded for a day.

Jetstodown :}:
U do know that was in the console. And anyways you don't need to kick because people are getting kicked FOR MINGING AND LAGGING SERVER.
and idc what you say because it is bullshit that people that didnt vote are getting kicked. and you DONT need have a reason when your screen is filled up with someone dien even when people thinh he is hacking

(more shit)

[attachment deleted by admin]

[attachment deleted by admin]

Banana Hat:
I already made my argument.
None of you even gave them a chance to clean up or explain themselves.
I only kicked people who voted if i kicked someone else by mistake then I'm sorry my bad.
But next time don't tell ME to leave.
If more people start pulling shit like this I'm ask coolz to ban then from the forums.


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