Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps
Raine Intro
Hello rANdOm server. My name is Raine. I play quite a bit on your server and it linked me to here to become " a respected member". I decided it would be a good idea to drop in on the server and say Hi to the community here.
So hello random server. I hope that in the future I can become a regular and respected member.
We (being the server elite) don't take kindly to outsiders O.o. But seriously welcome and great to hear from you........and we're talking about you in the 1337 thread.......just kidding :).
Damn he got here first.. but anyway welcome like above ^^
Next time you're on, hopefully an admin will be there to promote you!
Have fun :D
*Topic moved
Sorry Zeldad x__x Didn't mean to post in the wrong section.
And thanks for the welcome guys !
It's no problem :)
Nice avatar/signature ^^
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