Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

FLEXO: H1!!!

<< < (2/2)

1 more thing... One day, I joined the build server, and when gmod has downloaded the server files I got banned. The message was "You were kicked by console: banned because of you..."  (not full sentence), and now it says "Disconnect: STEAM UserID STEAM_0:1:22358707 is banned." It happened when I had my nickname blank, but... U can get banned because of a bad nickname?  ???
Anyway, unban me plz.


--- Quote from: Mingebagger on September 22, 2009, 06:42:49 AM ---hey!!! welcome to rnd, wait for minic or an admin to reply here, and then give this link to an admin on the server

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Hey and it's always BH that does this kinda of stuffz... But anyways hope you become respected FLEXO and that thing that you told me that i kicked you when i was offline thing, post that in the help section. cuz that's kinda wierd :-[

Banana Hat:
your not respected yet? ???

NO. Im NOT! Minic or whoever else can make me respctd is gone.

luben is bangin minic z.z XD minic is held hostage in the cellar of luben(ruben)
wheres the secret xD
--- Quote from: montugar on October 24, 2009, 12:59:52 PM ---

* i s[end alot of time on the wire server and none on the others
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