Tech Lounge > General

Unable to start gmod OMFGHALP

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Did you try swapping out the gfx card? If the GPU dies, the bios will freak out and give an error code (usually beep pattern). Since that's where the problem started, thats the first thing that should be tested.

i get no beeps at all. With or without gpu.


Uhm lol?


--- Quote from: tomcat on September 27, 2009, 11:39:49 AM ---SO THIS TOPIC IS OVER?

--- End quote ---

Bah! Even if he already bought a new system, the old one is still sitting there. If it can be fixed for cheap/free, well.. 2 working systems is better than one right?

A lotta machines don't come with beepers anymore (just like the occasionally still useful floppy drives). I guess the manufacturers don't figure the home user is going bother with troubleshooting and a professional tech can just plug one in as needed.

If you want to see if the system is salvageable you can strip down the board, leaving one stick of memory, processor (and fan), power and header connections, and an old PCI gfx card. Slap a monitor on the gfx cards port and fire it up. If it gives you a POST screen, the systems still good. If not, take it out with the trash.

Even if it's dead, you should certainly keep the hard drive, power supply, maybe even the memory and optical drives. You can use the old hard drive in your new system for additional storage or backups and the rest of the parts make great spares since they're pretty standard across modern computers. If the memory is the same type, you can upgrade your new machine further with it.


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