Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps
Tradam99 App
White Devil:
i have played with Tradam99 for a few weeks now he is nice funny and so far every person i know likes him hes just one of them ppl u would love to be around all day long he has my vote to become an admin
ya i did thnx for the help i apprecaite it so much :D
Generally the guy is friendly and polite but to be honest, I don't think he should be allowed admin privilege. I've personally seen this tradam guy being disruptive in the ZS server, pushing players out of windows and out to their deaths. When called on it, this guy became offensive and started a voteban (which banned an innocent player). With a history of abuse of the simple 'respected' privileges, I cringe to think what it would be like if he were empowered with admin capabilities.
the vote ban was started by the people i was there tool if they didnt want u gone u wouldnt have been banned and there was reasonings behind this but oh well i was doing my respected duties as a person and a player and i wish to do these duties as an admin that is what this post is for i respect ur oppinion and gratefully say thank you
People vote yes on votebans for a simple reason: Now that only respected players can initiate them, they figure there's a good reason for the vote and hit 'yes' by default. It doesn't occur to most players that somebody could become respected without being respectful.
Also you didn't address the original point. Your disruptiveness in the server.
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