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Team Fortress 2

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I cant find a cracked server on there. I know its not like your thing but anyone know a good one? Whats the tag? and cs.rin or whatever is to hard to find the servers that are actually there. So make it easy lol. Thank you.

Setti Server list for TF2
I showed you this yesterday. Stop asking.
Also FYI, dont ask any non RND related cracked server questions. TF2 is not even the same game! Why do you expect them to know where servers are for it.

Because im sure they dont only just play hl2. So i figured they might know a good cracked server about it. and i hate that server list its not very helpful when you go into the game, i wrote that in the post.

The server list give NAMES of servers. What more could you possibly need? It even give the damn IP addresses :-\

I want a tag!! so i dont have to do anything but type it in.


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