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Gmod Civ

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Banana Hat:
Gmod Civ

 :-\ I don’t want to write a big post

Stranded is a grate gamemode and o was hoping that we could make it even better by putting players on teams and having them develop technologies for there team and develop a nation. For example one play can unlock the furnace or the rope tool. Once the technology is invented everyone in your nation can use it.

New skills I hope to add
Level - overall skill when it level you get to invent something

Intelligence - category skill when it levels you get to invent something

Physical skill - category skill when it levels you get a bonus

I’m going to post a tech tree map some other time fell free to add suggestions for other skills and technologies.

So your saying all players lvl up and teach each other if one lvls up but if 1 is lvl 1 mines other is 30 or 20 and then the person lvls up that make all them 15* higher :P u can make other teams by /createtribe (name) color( 0 0 0 0) password

Its a great idea, i havnt heard about it before but i was already startin to make it, It would be hard :P lolz and i am right now writin a story to go along and a small "Script" of which opens when and what is needed for what and so on and  *BUMP* !!!  (i am evil aint i)
Edit: Dumb me i wrote BUMB lolz

» Magic «:
lol nice is it released?



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