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Need help


Hi i'm team the new guy lol... I went to go on randoms RP server...or all servers for that matter and it perma banned me because of my name. So it said to go to this website to... and my monitor is  small so it cut the rest off  :'(. Anywho all i want to no is how to fix it         
                      P.S i no my gramar and spelling is bad       
                                                                             -team :)

I have posted a message similar to this 1 but i cant find the page to see if any 1 replied or not lulz... Any who I get PermaBanned from random servers because of my name. Have I done something wrong? or is it just because i needed to join the forums and whatnot. if any 1 knows why PLZ dont hesitate to tell me.

P.S I no my grammer/spelling/puncuation is bad lul :D

ALSO my Steam username is  teamvomit  ...not to proud of it :-[         

may i ask wat your name was

Butcher1993:,521.0.html same guy..



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