Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Extending the flood server build time

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Well a lot of people have suggested for a little longer build time to like 400 seconds because we always run out of time. Edit: also i have heard requests for a few more weapons, some more props to build with and prop protection so some people can team up and build a boat.

We could extend the time..

Prop protection is already on the server.

Maybe more weapons in the future.

Thanks for suggestions,

on my psp but i think he means so u can let ppl move ur props like ass types pp butcher an i cud move ass's props

Yeah pretty much like say me and you wanted to build a boat together, make it so I can enable him to attach stuff to my boat and he can do the same so we can both build the boat together

Yes the Build time for Boats should be Extended we always end up running out of time usually 50-100 secs short

And me and teh buds on the server always wanna build boats together (prop Protection so people can change our boats) The server also needs a new weapon I find myself with a delightful 100k on the server but nothing really to make the money go dry... So I was thinking maybe Ubzors gun 10 shots 30 Damage each time but over 150k

Just a thought :D


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