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Addon request.


This is, by far, the best custom model and skin I have ever seen. I use it as my model, But I am a kliener whenever I am on the server.

If you could add this, that would be awesome and I would love you guys even more!

Incidentally, I use this skin if anyone wants it.

Its an awesome ar2 Skin with custom reload animation, world model, and the ar2 ammo container is replaced by an ammo cartridge!

Thing is, even with server having this, only users who have it also will be able to see it.

Still would be nice. Would the other people see me as an error? The model is a new model I believe and uses the metal material. It clutterfucks itself when impaled by striders and is oodles of fun.

Maybe if you added it to the download menu, people would see it?

No offence but player models are probably at the bottom of the admins attention list.

I 100% agree that this should be on the server/s. The player model I mean.


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