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new things for the rp server!!!

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sup well u see i like to help ppl out and post stuffs 4 them and i was just wandering
if you could add guns to the rp server cause ive heard soooo many complaints about
there being no guns.And ppl would just complain and complain about there being no guns
and also a map change would be nice


IMO there shouldnt be guns, cause ppl will start DMing, and theres enough abusing/minging/etc now, guns will make it worse and it will become like darkrp =\
The guys that asked for it can go play DM if they want guns so much...

But ofcourse i dont decide, and im pretty sure that if minic will add guns they will cost alot.


ya but if he adds guns there would only be like pistols and stuff not automatic guns or nuthin and he could add like shipmentz and stuff like drug shipments it would b cool  :-X

well i wish this was exactly like the gtarp server from the DD clan casue even though there are mingebags on it it makes it fun to fight them off and having no guns makes it boring also hydrolics are needed and pp is too also make it so u dont have to be one milameter away from the object to use the tool gun on it and the last thing is phx and all the mods. >:(

Or made the gun available only for respected player ?


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