Other Shiz > Boneyard
Hi my name is simba and im applying for respted i love your server and love to build on it and i want repsted so i can build with wire ect thanks :"D
kthxbai, dis isnt a website 4 kids.
*shit i realise this forum doesn't have the GTFO smileys.
Why did you register an account on both websites?
Thats just dumb. And we already explained that the respected apps are locked now due to improvements.
Please re-apply in
a week or two.
--- Quote from: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on August 08, 2010, 12:42:22 PM ---kthxbai, dis isnt a website 4 kids.
*shit i realise this forum doesn't have the GTFO smileys.
Why did you register an account on both websites?
Thats just dumb. And we already explained that the respected apps are locked now due to improvements.
Please re-apply in
a week or two.
--- End quote ---
nigga umad.
And he did first an acc here, cause he dunno bout my pingas
I mean, about the new forums.
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