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Whats going on?

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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on August 02, 2010, 04:36:06 AM ---Hmm, proof?

--- End quote ---
Here you go.

--- Quote from: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on July 30, 2010, 04:50:56 AM ---Okay, he has been asking if AHN servers are online.
Because he thinks that I'll give him admin.
I lol every time he ask me.

Never tell your password to anyone.
????￐￐Y [DJ]: hey
????￐￐Y [DJ]: you there?
***S.o.U***_ myppl8 is now Online.
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: yep
????￐￐Y [DJ]: i heard you are gonna be admin?
????￐￐Y [DJ]: is it true
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: nope they trolled me
????￐￐Y [DJ]: well
????￐￐Y [DJ]: good luck next time
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: are the servers up yt >0
????￐￐Y [DJ]: yeh
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: :D
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: ip
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: plz
????￐￐Y [DJ]: he'll tell me everything tomorrow
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: zs
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: kk
????￐￐Y [DJ]: i need to get the engine patch first.
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: ok
????￐￐Y [DJ]: bye
????￐￐Y [DJ]: i need to go
***S.o.U***_ myppl8: bai

--- End quote ---

Well, congratz.


--- Quote from: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on August 02, 2010, 09:30:15 AM ---Well, congratz.

--- End quote ---

new name is gay

devvybabe ♥:
I don't know.
Everyone thought it was a fucked up prank.

It was completely blown out of proportion.
I don't know how they wouldn't get the hint that coolz was trolling.
Even just a little bit.

I don't know.
Everyones calming down now and recovering.
Don't worry, coolz did not promote anybody admin or super admin that doesn't deserve it.
Oh yeah it was also brought up promoting us to super and that's when everyone lost it LOL

Banana Hat:
The ones who works best with power are the ones who do not want it. That said you would probably be a good admin everyone else is just cancer.


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