Tech Lounge > General
UPDATING a stickied thread
Boat Sinker:
made a thread earlier on with a database with a bunch of popular or very active members on the forums.
i have to update it, which means ill have to go through a bunch of dates, so if you have 250+ posts and are not included on the list, post your join date in the comments here.
if i catch u giving a false date joor not getting added :o
your date joined is found at "my profile" or go to "members"
umm... i had a account on forums before this account... im looking for it nao. i found it:
scarmarco Newbie 2008-12-22
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: Mr.Franklin on August 01, 2010, 01:34:10 PM ---umm... i had a account on forums before this account... im looking for it nao. i found it:
scarmarco Newbie 2008-12-22
--- End quote ---
So, you were 15 at the time, and from Venezuela?
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on August 01, 2010, 01:38:25 PM ---So, you were 15 at the time, and from Venezuela?
--- End quote ---
i gave false information :D
Hi my name is ItchyDani3l.
I joined a while ago =D
Everyone knows me.
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