Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

Waffle's Admn Application

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Name: Matt

Age: Almost 17

Birthday: 8/9/93

IGN: Aya "Waffle" Shameimaru

Location: California

Education: Entering Senior Year of High School.

Skills: Admin on other servers (know how to handle it), Great for ideas + morale, and creating art/models.

Builds: Not on RND wire, but I've made houses, towers, working lighthouses, climb shit, cars, planes, and other such

Major Servers: TTT, occasionally Wire Build/ZS.
Why?: I want to be an admin because I would like to improve the servers just by being there; an island in a sea of respected. Sometimes admins are needed yet not available, and there are times when an admin can prevent an otherwise bad situation. I've been on RND servers for at least 6 months, yet I've only been on the forums (mostly lurking) for close to 4 months. I've been admin on 2 other servers and am still an admin on one of them. I'm a naturally cool, calm and mature member of RND, and do not raeg unless driven to the limit. I've reported hackers, abusers, and general minges, but if I became admin, those reports from me would cease, and the problems neutralized. I'm also very friendly when everything is fine, and I enjoy playing with others! I shall also promise to spray my furry for all to see if they wish it  :-*.

This is what I will do to rulebreakers.
Thank you for your time!

yas kthxbai

Maybe. Your a good friend though.

You're not even a Sr. Member yet waffle >.>


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on August 01, 2010, 07:11:52 AM ---You're not even a Sr. Member yet waffle >.>

--- End quote ---
If you think post counts are important, then that's a big no-no :c
I think I've been on the forums longer then you, but I only make 1-2 posts a day.
Thanks for the support guys!


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