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--- Quote from: Butcher1993 on September 04, 2009, 03:36:11 PM ---Yeah. But what I meant about technology not working, Alot of electric motors work by magnets. Alot of stuff works like that. If the pole reverses, it will mess those up, screwing up a shitload of stuff.

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Nahh.. Electric motors make their own small magnetic fields with electromagnetism and man-made magnetic materials. They, like almost all technology, work completely separate from the earths magnetic field.

Yeah this shit about the alignment causing some kind of world-ending event is garbage. Humans have been around for nearly 200,000 years and we've seen 7 of these so far. The earth itsself is over 4 billion years old so it's seen nearly 154,000 of these alignments. Us, and the earth are still here after all those.. What makes this one so special?

well... idk lol. But its still dangerous, rioting, etc.

pssh, rioters will here mah shotty go bewm ;D

lol!! yeah. Man... i wish i as 18 so i could buy guns. Ill turn 18 in 2012 *.* just my luck as soon as i can drink + other stuff lol and graduate. There will be riots.. o well my bday is before it... like 11 days or something, when all the guns an ammo will be gone.


--- Quote from: Butcher1993 on September 04, 2009, 03:36:11 PM ---Yeah. But what I meant about technology not working, Alot of electric motors work by magnets. Alot of stuff works like that. If the pole reverses, it will mess those up, screwing up a shitload of stuff.

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It won't. Those magnets don't rely on the earths magnetic field. If they did, how could you possibly explain how they work if you turn them around? The magnets they use are electromagnets, and the earths field is too weak to have much of an effect on them. All of the things with magnets in them are usually designed without the earth'd field in mind!

But still, how could you explain how they would work if you turned them 180 degrees around, if they used the earths field in some way?

--- Quote from: Green Llama on September 05, 2009, 08:23:40 PM ---everybody just so you know 2012 is bullshit.

for all you people that think that 2012 is bad, its not.
eevry 26,000 years the milky way, sun, and earth line up. the next time for this to happen is on December 21st 2012. the media and people just made this concept of an apocalypse just to scar people

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Also thats kinda freaky, I didn't know that! maybe the Mayans just thought that that was signifigant, and decided to freak the fuck out about it. :D


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