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You all wanted to know - so here it is!

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--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 31, 2010, 10:33:09 AM ---lolwut. Why would I be butthurt.

--- End quote ---

FUUU----- stop posting interesting stuff back, oh well fuck it lol.

Why would you be butthurt? maybe because you posting that fail picture? I don't live in the sands, I'm not part of the Talibans, and I don't understand why the fuck would I have a cheap plastic copy of C4?
Yeah that's why you're butthurt.

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 31, 2010, 10:34:46 AM ---hm... let me ask why you left a comment on my facebook saying "GTFO LOL".
I say jeaRous for a reason = You guys are jealous and butthurt.

What's your reason for "GTFO LOL", trolling, and going through my photobucket account in search for naked pictures?
Oh by the way, I'm sure you have seen that chopped off penis I have on my photobucket account that sadly, photobucket has not deleted.
Also what was your reason for impersonating Ruben on teamspeak? All I wanted was an apology from you and tomcat. I got one from Tomcat.
You had plenty of chances to apologize, including that time you impersonated Ruben. You were able to try to convince everyone that "Krasher didn't do it", why couldnt you also say "He's very sorry".

The question of immaturity comes up here. All I stated was "JeaRous". I guess I'm very immature for that.
Now you're pretending that you're all knowingly smart and mature and yet your past actions make it invalid.

You dare call me immature for one thing I did.
What have you done that makes you NOT immature?

--- End quote ---

Stop trying to be better and stop trying to pwn us, we already said we aren't jealous or butthurt so stop sticking to that like a butt-buddy.
And I guess Krasher will reply to the rest, so I won't =D

Dear Tiger Guy,

    The term "SandNigger" is a term military soldiers have used to describe the members of the Taliban. Root word Sand, Israel is lacking it. Secondary word, Nigger, Nigger is a term used to refer to people of African race even though most being called nigger are not African, Derived from the Spanish word Negro, meaning black. So far you have a word meaning SandBlack. Why is it holding a plastic explosive, the Taliban or as you call them "Sandniggers" can not afford plastic explosive. Another thing is the Twinkie Character, it is completely irrelevant.


P.S. Sniggers, lol

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 31, 2010, 10:34:46 AM ---hm... let me ask why you left a comment on my facebook saying "GTFO LOL".
I say jeaRous for a reason = You guys are jealous and butthurt.

What's your reason for "GTFO LOL", trolling, and going through my photobucket account in search for naked pictures?
Oh by the way, I'm sure you have seen that chopped off penis I have on my photobucket account that sadly, photobucket has not deleted.
Also what was your reason for impersonating Ruben on teamspeak? All I wanted was an apology from you and tomcat. I got one from Tomcat.
You had plenty of chances to apologize, including that time you impersonated Ruben. You were able to try to convince everyone that "Krasher didn't do it", why couldnt you also say "He's very sorry".

The question of immaturity comes up here. All I stated was "JeaRous". I guess I'm very immature for that.
Now you're pretending that you're all knowingly smart and mature and yet your past actions make it invalid.

You dare call me immature for one thing I did.
What have you done that makes you NOT immature?

--- End quote ---

That was an answer to one of those question thingies. read it first, I found my response funny compared to the question.

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 31, 2010, 10:34:46 AM ---hm... let me ask why you left a comment on my facebook saying "GTFO LOL".
I say jeaRous for a reason = You guys are jealous and butthurt.

What's your reason for "GTFO LOL", trolling, and going through my photobucket account in search for naked pictures?
Oh by the way, I'm sure you have seen that chopped off penis I have on my photobucket account that sadly, photobucket has not deleted.
Also what was your reason for impersonating Ruben on teamspeak? All I wanted was an apology from you and tomcat. I got one from Tomcat.
You had plenty of chances to apologize, including that time you impersonated Ruben. You were able to try to convince everyone that "Krasher didn't do it", why couldnt you also say "He's very sorry".

The question of immaturity comes up here. All I stated was "JeaRous". I guess I'm very immature for that.
Now you're pretending that you're all knowingly smart and mature and yet your past actions make it invalid.

You dare call me immature for one thing I did.
What have you done that makes you NOT immature?

--- End quote ---
1. He is JeaRous

2. He is horny, he need pr0n.

3. He want you back in kitchen, but you finally said "AWW HELL NAW! MAK YO' OWN FUCKING SANDWITCH"

4. asdf

5. HeRp DeRp

Krasher is a douche.

Niggers everywhere.

Sandniggers who claim not to use C4s, niggers that call themselves DJs, "loyal" people exploiting into their friends' accounts...

Krasher, I have never been so disappointed about somebody.


Until yesterday.


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 31, 2010, 10:43:50 AM ---1. He is JeaRous

2. He is horny, he need pr0n.

3. He want you back in kitchen, but you finally said "AWW HELL NAW! MAK YO' OWN FUCKING SANDWITCH"

4. asdf

5. HeRp DeRp

Krasher is a douche.

--- End quote ---

Lol, oh noez Krasher he called you a douche D=
Don't worry Krasher, I'm here for you!


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