Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. > Community News & Announcements
You all wanted to know - so here it is!
Cmon coolz you can't be serious about this.
If you do this, it will discourage hard working members of the RND community.
lol my admin app dates from sept 2009. when will someone accept it cuz it r gud rates
Trinity should get admin, he'll be da PWN.
Why didn't I say I'm a girl when I joined RND D=
I could get admin derp
Nu I should get admin.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 31, 2010, 07:26:12 AM ---Trinity should get admin, he'll be da PWN.
Why didn't I say I'm a girl when I joined RND D=
I could get admin derp
--- End quote ---
If Trinity was an admin, I would be banned for not saying that I was a furry.
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