Other Shiz > Boneyard

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--- Quote from: rocket50 on July 30, 2010, 07:13:19 PM ---Still doesnt make it fair for noobs who find a map crappy to ruin it for the people who WANT TO PLAY ZS

--- End quote ---

Yes it does I've seen it to the point where its was 25 people wanted map change except one person. so 25 people have to suffer for 30 minutes before they can play a map just because of one person? Like i said above


If 25 people really hated the map, they'd suicide.
Bingo.. End of round..

There's no accounting for how/why people vote. Whether the use or abuse the freedom, it's still better to have the freedom to choose the map, and to have the choice respected.
Minging to solve some percieved problem is just another problem, not a soluiton.

Shawn that's a slippery slope fallacy. I don't necessarily believe allowing people to votekick for retardedly nailing props to the ground will lead to uberminge ban. Even if it does, we have sourceban to pwn teh minges.

Its time to end thread. Rocket50 is innocent according to boat sinker and Sanders, I think :3


--- Quote from: rocket50 on July 30, 2010, 07:47:37 PM ---Its time to end thread. Rocket50 is innocent according to boat sinker and Sanders, I think :3

--- End quote ---
You can't declare yourself innocent HURRRR.


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