Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

DJ Silver's Respected Application #2 Read Why

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No pwnz kthxbaiz

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: DJSilver on July 29, 2010, 09:26:15 PM ---Ok,I Just banned for banning eddy for mic spamming here's the story.

Ok,i got killed by a zombie,and then people told me to ban him for ear rape,I Told Him to stop he didn't listen.

So I Banned him.

Next thing you know Magic banned,I WAS WTF!

Not Raging cuz I Know what i did.

Ended story
I Forgot That Mic Spam was allowed.

Ill Admit I Did abuse my powers and I'm Sorry Eddy For Banning You.

--- End quote ---

cannot ban for earrape. that's why you have mute in playerlist.

and you chose the totally wrong person to ban

Majoras mask:

Tiger Guy:
You know, there is a mute button for a reason.


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 30, 2010, 11:38:39 AM ---You know, there is a mute button for a reason.

--- End quote ---



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