Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps
Butchers Application
I hereby withdraw my admin application. Reason: Don't want the responsibilities. Also we are moving. we gave teh 30 day notice today.
What does moving have to do with admin? And where you moving to? You better not be moving out of vegas or I will find you and steal your televisions.
1 TV. an we are taking it lol im moving to colorado or texas we dont know yet. my dad lost his job.
you got +1 from Cookiemonster!
(Hands Butcher a cookie) :D
THX LOL!! well anyway... I am going to be losing internet so i mdeletting all my online shit and downloading sp shit. I might have to hack somebodys wifi so im buying wifi and some brute forcing software. Im downoading C++ shit so i can learn it too. Or more anyway. But i WILL be moving withen this month. 21 days.
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