Bans/Appeals > File a Ban Appeal


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» Magic «:
Moo was messing with source bans lululul


--- Quote from: Waffle on July 29, 2010, 02:58:33 PM ---Then it's not a ban HERPADERP.
It's your connection. Try using connect ____ in console to get to servers.

--- End quote ---

"you have been banned from this server" =/= "connection failed"

★How to Unbannd from random server★

1. Restart your router.
2. Go to Steam official page
3. Click "login".
4. Click "JOIN STEAM".
5. Put ur dataa
6. Login to steam.
7. buy orange box and gmod
8. welcome


--- Quote from: [JP]yomogimochi on August 01, 2010, 02:48:52 AM ---★How to Unbannd from random server★

1. Restart your router.
2. Go to Steam official page
3. Click "login".
4. Click "JOIN STEAM".
5. Put ur dataa
6. Login to steam.
7. buy orange box and gmod
8. welcome

--- End quote ---

thats fail.
now stop posting here ;l

you still banned?


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