Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

Hi im SNAKE_666 and im reposting an app for respected read why


ok i am reposting an app for respected because i was wrongfully banned by moo because a namechanger had become my name and called for moo so i can understand the confusion but i think he should have i.p. banned the namechaer instead of namebanning the wrong person. so im  snake_666 and i am an ok player im not too good at flood though.i am very skilled at ttt and i have a mod that is in progress for a game on a moddb account i have.i am a damn good gamer when it comes to rp's and strategies.i dont abuse my powers no matter what and i think in a few months to a year or 2 i could possibly have what it takes to be an admin,ok the months thing might be pushing it but im sure about the year or 2.i follow rules except when someone else doesnt and starts minging and noone does anything then i target them. i hate minges and such. i think ive said enough so ya.i will say one more thing i love the rnd and thank you coozledad for makeing the servers.

Just talk to Moo about it.

Yea talk to Moo. There could be more to the story  :-[

And they lived happily ever after.
To be continued...

Talk To Moo


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