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am i..?

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--- Quote from: Marked_One_KIA on July 27, 2010, 03:14:19 PM ---if he didnt take bio yet he is under 13
if he was under 13 that wud mean ban
he is over 13 tho
feed me nao

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No it doesn't

 different schools different class', different country different educations. I never took bio and I'm done school bio was an elective class in my high school


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 27, 2010, 03:25:21 PM ---I drink milk and I'm the healthiest person I've ever met. I never get sick (and when I say never I mean like maybe once or twice a year).

Oh yeah, and that stuff about always washing your hands is a bunch of bullshit. I mean, yeah it's nice to have clean hands (no seriously, it disturbs me when they're dirty), but using soap and sanitizer ALL THE TIME will make you prone to disease. One reason I'm never sick is because I almost never use bandages, and I just let my wounds heal naturally.

Yeah, lactose is not natually digestable. It's subjective tho. People that can't digest it are called lactose intollerant.

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Yeah I'm also very healthy guy, I wasn't sick for 4 years until this year, because Israel was "flooded" with jerms somehow lol
I was my hands with normal soap before eating and after pissing or taking a shit, or when my hands are really dirty, and I also don't use bandages, usually my wounds heal fast so no need for the bandages.

And I'm kinda sensetive to lactose, also because I almost had asthma and it really affects my nose (hard to breath).

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 27, 2010, 03:29:01 PM ---I've been to Japan and I have tasted their sushi. It was... really good, I dont know how to describe it really but it was somewhat mouth watering.
Tbh the first time I ate sushi was here in America and I spit it back out :/

--- End quote ---

Never been to Japan but Israel has very tasty sushi =O

Fucking United States' people.
How do they work?

America is an entire continent. It consists of over 25 countries. It's the 2Nd biggest continent in the world.

Yet, people from the United States call themselves Americans, as in America being the country of their residence, and not the continent.

Fucking thing sucks.


How do they??? 0.0

We all know Europe is superior anyway.
America was made by Europeans.
Europe doesn't owe 10 billion dollars to NOISYLAND.
Europe has the richest countries of the world.
Europe had the biggest military successes of the world, the Nazi campaign against Russia and Poland.
Europe lost most of its wars against iself, for example the Second World War against the Soviet Union, which is part of Europe. (And no, America didn't win that war, all they did was keep the nazis busy until the Soviet Union broke through Berlin ...)
Europe doesn't manage to lose 5000 soldiers against a group of poorly armed rebels that were armed by America. *cough*taliban*cough*
No country of Europe started a war since 1938.

tl;dr: Europe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> America


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