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am i..?

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Go to the gym and get some muscles, also normal girls like muscles lol
And here in Israel if you don't get some confidence and go talk with a girl you like, most probably you'll never get a girl, and if you will, 90% she will be ugly lol

Just think like this:"I'll go talk to the girl, if she likes me I won the girl, if she doesn't and I just made fun of myself I don't give a shit, it was worth trying."


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 27, 2010, 03:56:34 AM ---Go to the gym and get some muscles, also normal girls like muscles lol
And here in Israel if you don't get some confidence and go talk with a girl you like, most probably you'll never get a girl, and if you will, 90% she will be ugly lol

Just think like this:"I'll go talk to the girl, if she likes me I won the girl, if she doesn't and I just made fun of myself I don't give a shit, it was worth trying."

--- End quote ---

Yes of course. I actually was talking to my ex-gf and she told me: "Girls will mostly never ask out the boys"

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Pryvisee on July 27, 2010, 03:59:03 AM ---Yes of course. I actually was talking to my ex-gf and she told me: "Girls will mostly never ask out the boys"

--- End quote ---

Thats what my gf said but that didnt stop her....

she asked me out lolz


--- Quote from: » Magic « on July 27, 2010, 04:29:45 AM ---
Thats what my gf said but that didnt stop her....

she asked me out lolz

--- End quote ---

If you're a good friend of some girl, she might ask you out herself =P
And there are some girls that just don't feel like waiting lawl


» Magic «:

--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 27, 2010, 04:32:53 AM ---If you're a good friend of some girl, she might ask you out himself =P
And there are some girls that just don't feel like waiting lawl

--- End quote ---

Yup :D


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