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Dr.Octagonapus Respected APP


Hi my real name is Chris I'm 19 years old turning 20 this august I have been playing on the RND servers for a couple of months now and have earned my way up the ranks on the RND servers to 17Th place out of 1000 users. I'm usually on between 8AM-4PM Monday Thur Friday eastern standard time and 11pm to 3-4AM eastern standard time i have Officer experience in multiple places such as 3 estate manager spots in Second life and an Assistant manager job IRL i have been playing on ZS for some time and have noticed the increase of Mingus/assholes on the server and there is usually not enough admins.respected to deal with the problems. I'm usually on alot and can see all of this happening. my current games installed are
My usuall way of dealing with problems would be 3 verbal warnings and upon the 3rd failing would result in a kick. If repeated a ban would follow. I am a fair guy and wont kick anyone due to accidents. Only if multiple players are disrupted bu someones actions / words I Look forward to a responce from an admin. Thank you for your time and patients

EDIT: Followed link from post in admins app to post it here.

idk about you
since you say if your under 16 you cant use the mic
unless thats a way to get lil kids to stfu

idk about you too,when u get the grav gun u prop kill a lot of people.


i have propkilled a total of 4 people with gravgun and thats by trying to move couches inside tunnel on fearstation. As as for the " kick under age of 16... that was raymond. not me


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