Other Shiz > Boneyard

Problem still with flood rules.

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Boat Sinker:
the tab at the Q menu which states the rules has been taken out. to compensate they have been moved to the menu when you say !rules

for some stupid reason the rule that says no shooting the boat youre on, unless you got on AFTER the round started has been written there.

who the hell i writing these rules? people have been complaining to remove it when it was at the Q menu. fine that was done by removing teh whole thing, but now its written again at the !rules -.- wtf is this shit


Coolz fix this please. It's the biggest pain in the ass about Flood.

I kinda like that rule :P

Didn't you learn anything?
Even after complaining for years, that rule will stay. It's stupid, people get kicked for it, but it'll stay there.


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on July 26, 2010, 11:56:32 PM ---Didn't you learn anything?
Even after complaining for years, that rule will stay. It's stupid, people get kicked for it, but it'll stay there.

--- End quote ---

Well that sux... But a lot of the people now on flood aren't total dicks. A lot of them are mingies but they always get on my boat when the round starts and shoot it.. hehe, *kicked*


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