Other Shiz > Boneyard

Ban request on .:RND`=- Kill_N-Dark

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Dude that's not proof.... That's fail proof...

And the kick was farther up there... Your just copying when you posted screen shots...  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Theres not at all proof to be a ban, soooo... GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!

--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on July 26, 2010, 03:17:04 PM ---your lack of sauce is disturbing

--- End quote ---


And, jim... You really got to get that sound out of there >:O

Dude u just insulting me everytime.
Here a photo:

He jumped probably 2 secs after boat told him to... Again, fail proof... GIVE THIS SHIT UP!!! It was just a kick, stop whining for gods sakes!

EDIT: Seriously coolz, you got to really bring this to the boneyard. He didn't do anything bad.

U insulting me again. He jumped last 30 sec. So dont talk.

Boat Sinker:
o shit! you're screwed now with all this bounty-full evidence of awesomeness!


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