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New Computer

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--- Quote from: PwnageDude on July 24, 2010, 04:15:06 PM ---I'm willing to spend around 500 - 1k, Yes I'm cheap.

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Then don't buy a new comp, just upgrade the important shiz.

P.S.-Even though you can buy a good computer with that, in Israel you can =O
And America or almost any other country is usually cheaper lol


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 24, 2010, 04:16:31 PM ---Lol we aren't arabs, we don't have petrol and oil in our land, and only south of Israel has sand, Israel is actually considered Europe, and most of the rich people here work in hi-tech, and they aren't so rich too lol


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This topic just de railed, We have to get out of here!


--- Quote from: PwnageDude on July 24, 2010, 04:21:50 PM ---This topic just de railed, We have to get out of here!

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Not really, you actually re-de-railed it now =O

What kind of computer do you want to buy?

An Ultra Gamer PC, Mid gaming, High, Low, WHAT?!

My computer is kinda mid-mid. I can run gmod @ max graphics while having FPS, and Crysis at mid-high with 30 FPS.

And that was only for 500 dollaz.


--- Quote from: Franchu95 ! on July 24, 2010, 04:24:01 PM ---What kind of computer do you want to buy?

An Ultra Gamer PC, Mid gaming, High, Low, WHAT?!

My computer is kinda mid-mid. I can run gmod @ max graphics while having FPS, and Crysis at mid-high with 30 FPS.

And that was only for 500 dollaz.

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Something that can run Gmod High speed as well as maybe Crisis. So you can say a High Gaming PC.


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