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Time Machine doesn't exist even in the future.
--- Quote from: Xrain on July 23, 2010, 01:48:08 PM ---Time travel to the past has currently been deemed impossible by modern science. So that's why you haven't gotten your time machine yet.
Although time travel to the future is very possible. You can experience it in your daily lives climb to the top of a high building, and the time you experience is faster by a small but measureable amount compared to everyone else.
This is called "Gravitational time dilation" It basically means the more gravity you experience the slower time will pass for you. So if you were able to get into a space ship and fly right next to a black hole, a few hours would pass for you, while hundreds of years would pass back on earth.
GPS satellites encounter problems with time dilation effects, since they require extreme accuracy in keeping track of time in order to give accurate positioning, the small little boost in speed to time provided by being out in geosycn orbit, messes with the system so they have to be calibrated to take the dilation effect into account.
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This ^ The curvature of Space-Time
General Relativity: Cosmic Tunnels / Worm Holes
Those are some good shiz that explain these stuff.
Cake Face:
Time travel does not exist.
Because if it did, then someone would come back and tell us that. :laugh:
Time travel is easy, use alt-universes :P
--- Quote from: Cake Face on July 23, 2010, 03:37:29 PM ---Time travel does not exist.
Because if it did, then someone would come back and tell us that. :laugh:
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Time travel to the past doesn't exist, if it does I'm pretty sure that humans/other life are smart enough not to come back and ruin everything xD
--- Quote from: Shawn on July 23, 2010, 03:53:22 PM ---Time travel is easy, use alt-universes :P
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Yep, the reason we don't see time travelers may be:
1. They have a code of laws to prevent interference
2. Each usage of a time machine creates an alternate universe, therefore assuming ours is the prime universe, we will never see time travelers, since when they go back in time they will in fact create a new universe, separate from our own.
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