Other Shiz > Boneyard
Minges roll in packs now.
# 258 "Nicole,,<33" STEAM_0:1:26100544 27:06 96 0 active
# 259 "Manbearpig" STEAM_0:0:19618718 26:41 139 0 active
# 262 "Dr. Flyx" STEAM_0:1:15982016 21:54 242 0 active
# 261 "TheBritishKidPi" STEAM_0:1:9806267 25:54 209 0 active
goddamn they were annoying, and I didn't know trolls roll in packs now.
When they were traitors they would say who the other 2 traitors were, and buy traitor weapons and give it to their innocent friends to kill fellow traitors. I also heard the word Nigger about 500 times from them.
watch the demo to understand why.
I know the demo is quite long, and this was recorded about an hour after they joined and trolled.(So it coulda been longer)
last few minutes of the demo is me googling on how to stop the demo.
--- Quote from: t0mfoolery on July 23, 2010, 03:53:44 AM ---last few minutes of the demo is me googling on how to stop the demo.
--- End quote ---
teach them kids not to screw around on our servers, BANZ fo day - week?
Heheh awesome tittle man.
The admin who ban these guys. (COMBO WHORE...)
I say ban hammer.
» Magic «:
perma banz hammer
for the first time ima start banning people in like 4 months now o.o
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