Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

Hai, my name is BigGamerByte!


Hai :), you might be first wondering how similar my subject title is compared to Piggys, well he told me to invite myself to Random becuase the team seem really nice. Well for starters they are. I met some on the Winter Survival server (cant remeber their names), nice chaps.

More about me..My actual name is Jacob Adams, I like in England, Isle of Wight and im just about to start my GCSE's. Im hoping to get A's and B's in my core subjects which are Physics, Chemistry and ICT. Why am I telling you this, becuase when im older I want to be an IT Technitian and they are important subjects. Ive already started teaching myself lua coding by helping people code their servers and give them support. As for how far I have got, well not that far. haha :D

One note. You might be wondering why I am called BigGamerByte. Well about 4 or 5 years ago I was creating an account on Gamespy, when it generated a name called BigGamerByte, why I thought was pretty awsome if a may say so xD. But everybody calls me BigGamer or if im chatting with them, just Big, haha.

I would like to be part of this Team and would give as many benefits to the server as possible as a member. (Me and piggy will always be on becuase we love Winter Survival :D)

Well this is my Introduction to myself, and hey what a long one. I hope I will be chatting to alot of computer enthusiasts and would love to talk geeky stuff with you or probably even helping you build more servers in the future :), becuase I like to be helpful like that. :D

By the way feel free to add me on steam: BigGamerByte (lol you guessed it)

I say yes because he wrote alot, means he put effort, means he cares, meaning he'll be good respected.....make him 1 NAO pl0x

Sup my friend.
U seem like nice guy. It would be awesome o have u be respected.
If u ever want to meet me. Ill be at wirebuild server hehehee.

Welcome to the community!!!
I hope you and piggy have a fun time here at RND. Just make sure you don't piss off Moo and you should be fine. =D

--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 22, 2010, 03:30:50 PM ---I say yes because tl;dr

--- End quote ---



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