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reliving the horrible: Does it make u feel nostalgic?

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okay when i mentioned boxxy its was just a thing to get this thread going, like something else to say would be.... the original power rangers?or  something not so horrible as in bevis and butthead. heres a link to boxxy: the original unedited. btw, boxxy has been said to be dead, but i believe that the people who hacked her account was annoyed by her youtube videos and wanted her to stop.My name is Boxxy - The Original


--- Quote from: dblxross on July 22, 2010, 05:12:35 PM ---okay when i mentioned boxxy its was just a thing to get this thread going, like something else to say would be.... the original power rangers?or  something not so horrible as in bevis and butthead. heres a link to boxxy: the original unedited. btw, boxxy has been said to be dead, but i believe that the people who hacked her account was annoyed by her youtube videos and wanted her to stop.My name is Boxxy - The Original

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^^^ this is the shitz! he is right


She isnt really dead is she?


--- Quote from: jimonions on July 22, 2010, 11:38:39 PM ---Hotties!

She isnt really dead is she?

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Of course not.

Lol I think she had some ADHD >.<
Freaking me out lol


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