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TTT Problem
Before I report someone, I would like to get this straightened out. I was on the TTT server, and there was 2 people left alive(I was 1 of them), and 1 missing in action. I did not know there was only 1 person left, and did not want to lose karma by shooting the wrong person, but I had a hunch who the traitor was because I couldn't find the third person. I said into voice chat that someone else had ghosted and told me that you were the traitor, ALTHOUGH NOBODY REALLY GHOSTED ME. I only said that so that person would come fourth and admit to being a traitor. After I had lost that round anyway, I was votekicked, and was told that accusing someone of ghosting was kickable. Majority of the server voted 'No' so I was able to stay.
So all in all, I am just wondering if what I did is kickable.
If you have any questions please ask.
saying someone else was ghosting is kinda like trying to get him banned :L
--- Quote from: Marked_One_KIA on July 21, 2010, 08:38:24 PM ---saying someone else was ghosting is kinda like trying to get him banned :L
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Those weren't my intentions, the person i accused is a good friend of mine. I was only trying to get the traitor to admit what I already had a hunch of.
Let's put it this way: If winning the round means more to you than getting kicked, then go ahead and do it. :)
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 21, 2010, 08:41:37 PM ---Let's put it this way: If winning the round means more to you than getting kicked, then go ahead and do it. :)
--- End quote ---
i was there, and id like to point out that he was still insisting wolf was ghosting after the round ended
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