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ttt rdm

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--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 21, 2010, 05:01:53 PM ---That's just it, I've heard Sanders and Coolz say that there's no such thing as 'mass rdm.'
All they've ever talked about is 'excessive rdm,' but I didn't hear whether it was bannable or not. All I know is that they say "KARMA WILL FIX IT"

--- End quote ---
From what I know, unless someone somehow evades the karma loss, it's not kick/bannable.

mass rdm is excessive rdm... and sanders tells that if they rdm over more then 1 round then its kick

I'm under the impression RDM isn't kick-able unless they kill the same person or same group of people all the time(which would be target)
Once your karma goes below 200(2-3 kills), you can't really kill anything other than a dead rock. Most people can usually kill you without taking much damage.

Cake Face:
And wut if your about to leave. Lets say someone goes on an rdming-spree and when you finally kill them...they leave and you get -300 karma or something.

What about RDM round, is it a myth?


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