Other Shiz > Boneyard

Votebanned by ".:RND'=- Ziggyℓλtλ ๖Ϡ " for killing in WS

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I definitely agree that there needs to be a update in the rules, the server is in total anarchy, there has been some discussion on this in the Winter Survival - Settlement section of the forums.


--- Quote from: Sanders on July 21, 2010, 10:23:08 PM ---In all honesty we need a rule clarification here, as to whether or not "weapon rushing" (making bow and killing everyone early in the round) is allowed in winter survival. For now just to keep the peace I will say its ok, but any suggestions are welcome.

--- End quote ---

Round was pretty far in, and we had a good list of people waiting to respawn and play.

But yeah, I understand your point.

Already resolved in another report.


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