Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

minges on build maybe make the wire server only for...

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Im totaly agree with this suggestion !  8)

First votekick voteban respected only - now this? I know we are respected members and all, but its not our personal servers. If you are going to build on multiplayer, you are going to have to deal with the occasional mingebag.  ::) If you want a minge-free server.... Its called singleplayer.

all you should do is tell them to stop if they dont ether get an admin or votekick or if they keep on doing it then tell them 1 moar time them 60 min ban

YES!!! A huge yes from me. There are always noobs and minges  on wirebuild... I do have some friends that arnt respected but i guess i will have to deal because i would rather play without dicks messing with my stuff then play with my fiends


--- Quote from: Sanders on September 08, 2009, 04:25:06 PM ---If you want a minge-free server.... Its called singleplayer.

--- End quote ---

Well i once played on a minge-free server, it was with a pass and to get the pass u should past like a test and if u minge or something you get banned....


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