Other Shiz > Boneyard

Ban Appeal - Dr. Octagonapus

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SteamID : STEAM_1:0:29466977

Why you were banned: Unknown,

Who banned you?: Unknown

How long were you been banned for: At least one week

Why should we Unban you?: I dont hack i dont cause unessesary drama im not a noob. i just dont see how i got banned
Extra Comments:
I didnt really do anything i logged for the night came back a week later and tried logging in to find that i got a steam id unknown perm banned and was like wtf. this is bs!

Bnand from what Server

All random servers? dunno really they arnt appearing in my server list anymore and to top it off if i use another steam account to try to connect it says the same thing
i checked steams VAC ban list im not on it

If you were banned, you can freely connect to the servers, however it would kick you out of the game after your client info was sent, and give you a message that you have been banned from the servers.

If you just cant see the rnd servers, it sounds like a connection problem.

Try connecting directly to the server by going into console and typing:


That should get you into the TTT server, or just look on the server list on the forums for the server IP:Port you want to connect to.

works fine now guess it was connection


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