Other Shiz > Boneyard

Ban request MW2

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SteamID: STEAM_0:0:32723451
Name: MW2 Traitor
Information: Speedhacking
Server: TTT
Video: Demo recorded from spectator is here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IRT0PLJ0
Details: Just speedhacking
Witnesses: Goat, Crazy Dog
When: Today

If you search the forums you will find many instances of constant mass rdm, ghosting, i say be done with him.

He is not banned yet? It's not  enough to permaban him?


--- Quote from: morfin on July 21, 2010, 11:45:12 AM ---He is not banned yet? It's not  enough to permaban him?

--- End quote ---

he also godmode'd once

didnt get a demo though...
then he complained that i randomly kicked him and admin joined game and yelled at me for random ban

or was that someone else?

anyways, i know he did use godmode once


--- Quote from: Marked_One_KIA on July 21, 2010, 02:15:19 PM ---he also godmode'd once

didnt get a demo though...
then he complained that i randomly kicked him and admin joined game and yelled at me for random ban

or was that someone else?

anyways, i know he did use godmode once

--- End quote ---

You can't do godmode its either glitch which is hard to kill people it happens to me too. i killed other innocents when i was traitor it was hard to kill some innoncent dude. the real godmode is supposed to be client side


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