Other Shiz > Boneyard

Look at this

<< < (2/2)

Wait, wth. Am I the only one who follows the link and see's posts I never posted? And then when I try to post it moves to another topic. Wth is this!

I want to see your faces when you realise that 64373489 is -DH- Shooter aka MW2 Traitor.

ROFLMAO win. It's some other website. It's not the forum, he made that site and made all those posts. It's probably an actual regular member on the forum, that posted this on another account to be anonymous.
When you click that link, look at top left corner :/. You'll see what I'm talking about. NTM, look at the link when you go to it lol.
EDIT: Fuck you Don lol.
EDIT2: http://www.110mb.com/

» Magic «:
Link removed...

Trying to get him banned, Gotta ask coolz or do it myself with warnings


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