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Custom Zombie RP classes

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So after this whole machinima thing with Itchy is over, I plan on hosting a ZRP server with custom classes.

I want ideas for custom classes, GOOD ideas.


Job Name:
Player Model:
Elect [Yes/No]:
Spawns with:

Example -

Job Name: Survivor
Player Model: Rebel
Elect [Yes/No]: No
Spawns with: P228
Role: You were citizen who was trapped in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Armed with only a pistol, you must venture out into the world, and survive.

;-; there is something i wanna say so bad atm about this

Job Name:Cop
Player Model:Metro Police
Elect [Yes/No]:No
Spawns with: Stunstick & HL2 pistol(Just change it to css weapons if u dont like hl2 weapons)
Role: You are a cop doing cop shit then suddenly a zombie apocalypse happened :D.

[spoiler]Will the server be cracked?[/spoiler]

ZRP sux, get PERP or something lol or maybe SB3 =OOO
Usually ZRP attracts tons of lil kids and it ruins all the fun, and sometimes you get fed up from the zombies and you just want to rp.....

But still I'll help you lol

Job Name: City commander
Player Model: Breen
Elect [Yes/No]: Yes
Spawns with: Deagle, M3 and arrest baton. (if I made him a bit over-powered, just remove the shotty lol)
Role: Commands the city he's at, helps defending the city and is responsible to take care of the supplies and guards of the city.

Job Name: City Guard
Player Model: Elite Combine (white combine)
Elect [Yes/No]: Yes
Spawns with: M16 and arrest baton.
Role: Guards the city, under the command of City commander.

Job Name: Business-man
Player Model: Gman
Elect [Yes/No]: No
Spawns with: Deagle.
Role: Supplies ammo and weapons to cities.

Job Name: Farmer
Player Model: Loast Coast Fisherman
Elect [Yes/No]: No
Spawns with: Glock 16/18
Role: Sells food to cities.

The Southern Cross:

metrocopz need a more vital role in the community

Job Name:machinist
Player Model:metrocop
Elect [Yes/No]:no
Spawns with:a crowbar, an smg with ammo (FEW),a hammer with nails and a cade kit
Role:you help people in barricading, you are also a pro at ranged weps
you got few ammo so you need to depend on others for ammo and stuph
cons is you FAIL at cqc and melee combat


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