Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

Im new to these forums but i love Random's servers

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Welcome to RND lol

Something that bothered me: "I am very smart" "Location: USA - NY"

And then I re-read your app: " I love sledbiuld" "raceing track" "or if i hit the undo button" "go on wirebiuld"
You're smart and you live in NY.......I live in Israel and I might be smart, but I don't make so many grammar mistakes........don't write "I'm very smart" after so many grammar mistakes lol

Maybe it's just me, but things like that annoy me >.<

im not a good speller so ill fix that


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 19, 2010, 02:42:43 PM ---

Maybe it's just me, but things like that annoy me >.<

--- End quote ---

Just because he can't spell doesn't make him any less intelligent. he could have a PhD in psychics and that only would make him smart.

Smart in my opinion is knowing when to walk away when trouble comes...

You seem like a fine fellow. I'm not sure why everyone comes on these forums saying 'hey look at me im smrt'

If anyone has the right to say that it'd be me, and I don't go around saying "hey I'm taking AP Calculus Junior year" >.>

Welcome to RND.


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