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TTT Machinima
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 19, 2010, 08:15:33 PM ---Did you try to get in using the console? What was the problem?
Also, some people (random, non-rnd affiliated people) claim to be able to get in via the servers list. it's called UMADBRO, and it's only active when Deathward turns it on, so add him to steam and join it through the console in gmod (it won't work if you try to join him via steam community.)
You sly dog :police:
Oh yes, and @maverick we're about full (not yet, but about) of actual main characters. You will most likely become some innocent who dies rather early on :3 (e.g. episode 3 maybe? revenge of the sith)
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Well it's a long story.. the microphone does not support windows 7 but in some games it works. I don't mind what kind of character I am. It's just I wanted to use my microphone, :-X
Oh you mean... it's not a crack server? xD
Maybe if Deathward will host it on his crack account it will work for us all :)
If not, idk.
@maverick you can be a chump if you want :3
or you can be the RDMer, Prankster, or Trigger Happy character.
CameraMan: ..................DEATHWARD
Detective: .....................ITCHYDANI3L (?)
Wanna-be Detective: ......ARTIK*BANANA (?)
Evil Mastermind: ............SHAWN
RDMer: .........................TIGER GUY (?)
Camper: .......................DON
Sniper: .........................KRASHER
Trigger Happy: ..............MAVERICK (?)
Traitor 1: ......................FRANK
Traitor 2: ......................UBERLORD
Traitor 3: ......................PACKAGED NINJA WAFFLES (?)
Chump 1:
Chump 2:
Extra 1: ........................WAFFLE
Extra 2: ........................NINJASQUIRREL
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I'm adding 2 minor roles, chump 1 and 2. The chumps will serve as the expendables that can be killed by RDMers/traitors without any loss of character development, but WILL STILL BE GIVEN ADEQUATE SCREEN TIME WHILE ALIVE :lamp:
Trigger Happy character :o
Tiger Guy:
I thought I was the RDMer!
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 19, 2010, 08:29:41 PM ---Oh you mean... it's not a crack server? xD
Maybe if Deathward will host it on his crack account it will work for us all :)
I'm adding 2 minor roles, chump 1 and 2. The chumps will serve as the expendables that can be killed by RDMers/traitors without any loss of character development, but WILL STILL BE GIVEN ADEQUATE SCREEN TIME WHILE ALIVE :lamp:
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Lol that's what i meant by "special" Lol
Cast is full of win.
The chunps should be two guys messing around and telling jokes instead of looking for the traitor thats how they get killed because they were messing around :P
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