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TTT Machinima
--- Quote from: Franchu95 ! on July 19, 2010, 04:32:42 PM ---Also, in the first chap., make it so a dude suicides. Like, he jumps from the roof cause he can't take the pressure.
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That will make the umm.... "quality" of the machinima less good =\
Cause that's way too dramatic, or if it's supposed to be funny then cheap humor lol
I might write a script for this tomorrow =O
Right now I'm doing a story board. I'll either script it myself or get someone else to do a basic script and then review it myself later.
We also need music. Juss sayin.
Can we plan on recording the day after tomorrow? By the end of tomorrow, I want the script for episode 1, the story board for episode 2 (should be easy), and the role cast complete.
Anyone who wants a part, apply now.
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 19, 2010, 04:44:45 PM ---apply now.
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--- Quote from: Кгձรհεг on July 19, 2010, 04:37:35 PM ---(CampSniper) Krasher: The person who always runs to the scout and snipes everyone even if innocent. Camps, lives through entire series, because he was camping in the back. and when the last Traitor is left he gets sniped when doing his victory dance lol. :D
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I'd like to be either the dude that barricades himself all the time or the dude that tries to make everyone think he's Traitor.
And I also hope they both don't die until a loooooong time. :3
And day after tomorrow ... I don't know. We'd need to set times since it's rather hard to get all of them together with time zones and shiz.
@ krasher how bout... no.
I can't have any innocents that kill to many others. Would make for bad story.
You can be a person who snipes perhaps. You'd have to live with having not much screen time besides maybe 1 episode in which you get knifed by Traitor 1. We can work you into the script, but you will most likely die in episode three right before someone gets kidnapped.
Mr. Expendable and Traitor 3 will definitely get killed.
Traitor 1, I'm not so sure about. The last/second last episode will definitely be a shoot out between the detective and Traitor 1.
Also, wanna-be detective will definitely be killed by traitor 1 as well. Wanna-be will be onto him, but without much evidence at all.
@Don Yeah, you can be the camper. I can assure you that you won't die until we at least get to the second map.
CameraMan: .................DEATHWARD
Wanna-be Detective:
Evil Mastermind:
Camper: .......................DON
Sniper: .........................KRASHER
Trigger Happy:
Traitor 1: ......................FRANK
Traitor 2:
Traitor 3:
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