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TTT Machinima

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We're not sure. With frank gone, we'll have to use waffle or ninja squirrel and then get frank to do a voiceover later.

Also, we still need to find some quality CSS sweps (that look like they're being held correctly in the world model)

[spoiler]damn, I ended up playing winter survival all day. That shit is addictive.[/spoiler]


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 22, 2010, 10:12:42 PM ---We're not sure. With frank gone, we'll have to use waffle or ninja squirrel and then get frank to do a voiceover later.

Also, we still need to find some quality CSS sweps (that look like they're being held correctly in the world model)

[spoiler]damn, I ended up playing winter survival all day. That shit is addictive.[/spoiler]

--- End quote ---
I know right.
WS is awesome.

Wait a second.... I cannot be sure that i would be able to act during August coz i am gonna gave surgery done to the front, upper, central part of my mouth ;(. This is too serious, i wouldn't be able to talk until they remove the stitches.

1. Quit burrying my thread underneat 'yomo is gay' and 'omg 666 kills =D.' Srs guys? >.>
2. How come everyone one the forums is having surgery at the same time.
3. I may have found the sweps we need. I'll verify that soon.


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on July 23, 2010, 08:15:04 AM ---1. Quit burrying my thread underneat 'yomo is gay' and 'omg 666 kills =D.' Srs guys? >.>
2. How come everyone one the forums is having surgery at the same time.
3. I may have found the sweps we need. I'll verify that soon.

--- End quote ---

1. No one gives a fuck =D
2.Only Kia?


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